What is J-Bolt?

Publish Time: 2022-09-16     Origin: Site

When you are buying a fencing gate, you are probably not thinking too much about the smaller pieces like the hinges. You may not know the options available to you. So today I wanted to go through the gate hinges we offer and kind of shows each one works.

Let us start with our J bolt hinges now as the name implies the threaded bolt portion is in the shape of J. Hence the name the second piece is going to be basically a receptacle now down inside there is a ball bearing in grease. This fits inside here and that’s what gives you that the fluid smooth motion on your gate.

We have two different sizes of J-bolt hinges here.  we have our large 7-inch J-bolt that fits our driveway gates. We have our smaller 5 and 1/2-inch j-bolt that fits our pedestrian walk gates now. Now if you look at the picture, you will get a good idea how these things are installed. The flat portion here goes up against the post your hanging the gate from. It will be bolted through, held on very sturdy now. On your gate frame over here, you are going to have it drilled and you are gonna put the thread portion through now.

Now we like the J-bolt hinge the most for a couple of reasons. One is strength. These are all steel construction and they are rate well above the weight of even our heaviest iron gates so we are going to have you covered for strength. No problem at all. The next is its versatility you can take these and actually mount them to something other than our iron and aluminum post let’s say you have a brick column. You know stone pillars something like that at the entrance to your driveway where you want to hang these from as long as you use the proper hardware for mounting it in the flat portion. This allows you to mount it inboard of a larger wider pillar and you can actually work with this in many different ways than just our iron steel posts. The last l am probably most beloved by the do-it-yourself installer is adjustability with this thread portion on the J bolt you can take these adjusting nuts and move the gate left and right inside and outside. So what dose is leave you a little bit of fudge factor inside there. You get a little bit of wiggle room in there it.

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